Being Plumville

Set during the turbulent 1960s, Benjamin and Coralee experience change in a community unprepared and unwelcoming of it. Can a relationship rekindle and bloom under such adversity, or will it succumb in the battle for Plumville’s status quo?

Excerpt Chapter 12

Benjamin wrapped his arms around Coralee’s waist and her hands came to his neck, her thumbs grazing along the Adam’s apple and beginnings of his beard. Benjamin grinned, giving her an Eskimo kiss that made her sigh.

“I have something for you,” he whispered, kissing the skin beside her nose. He cradled her head, pressing kisses as light as snow all along her face.

Coralee sighed again, her arms going about his waist. “Do you now?”

His nose caressed hers. “Yes; and if you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll give it to you.”

His lips were now at her forehead, and he smiled against it at her giggle. Coralee brought him closer to her. She was so soft against him, so pliant, as if he could mold his body into hers and never be separated from her again. When Coralee kissed his jaw, standing on tiptoes to reach it, Benjamin thought he would collapse from the delicious pressure of it.

Her lips brushed his left earlobe. “When you hold me, I feel like I could fly.”

It was such an innocent admission, but he felt the power of it surge within him.


“I love you,” she whispered, hiding her face in his neck, her mouth just above his pulse point.

He froze. It was the last thing he ever expected to come from Coralee, but it was perhaps the most cherished. Now Benjamin thought he could fly too.

He had to say something, though, anything to cover the gaping silence that now separated them, but when he opened his mouth to speak, her fingers stilled his words.

“Don’t,” she whispered, biting her lip as she pulled her fingers away from his lips. “Don’t say anything.”


“Please? Don’t. Mama said I was doin’ a poor job o’ hidin’ it anyway, so I came clean. I know I’m just a fascination for you—”


His tone made Coralee’s mouth snap shut and her eyes widen. Benjamin was sharper than he intended, but he couldn’t understand Coralee’s logic. For someone so smart she was being very dense about the situation. And poor job of hiding it? Benjamin had thought he was in this by himself! Now that he knew he wasn’t, Benjamin didn’t feel so apprehensive about giving Coralee her gift.

He stepped away and went to his desk, pulling out a drawer and digging deep beneath the old papers and other knickknacks. When he looked to Coralee, he found her by the door, reaching for her coat.

“Wait!” Coralee jumped at his exclamation and he winced, immediately contrite. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you.” Of all things she laughed, but it wasn’t the full-bodied one he was used to hearing. Instead, it was mollifying, as if her laughter was in the place of crying. “Please don’t go.”

“I’ve got to…”

The rapid succession of rain pounding on the roof made her statement ludicrous. Coralee reached for her coat again and Benjamin sprang into action, his hand closing over hers as she gripped the garment. Her back was to his front, and her head was bent. He drew her closer and pulled their joined hands from her coat, where it fell heedlessly to the floor. Benjamin dragged his chin from the top of her head to her temple, his breathing harsher than normal.

“Please…?” Benjamin ignored the plaintive note in his voice and presented the small velvet box to her. He heard her sharp intake of breath and tightened his hold around her.

Author Savannah J. Frierson
Published September 2014 & March 2013, Rerelease
Publisher SJF Books
Story Length
Universe Unincorporated

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